## **Montessori XYZ’s Mission & Vision**
**All-Inclusive Montessori Education for All** should not be a dream anymore. Our goal is to make Montessori education affordable and accessible again for all people, teachers and children. **Let’s Re-base Montessori** so it suits the needs of those in need and encourage a transformation to a peaceful world.

On Maria Montessori’s Graveyard you can read:
> ***I beg the dear, \
> all-powerful children to join me in creating \
> peace in man and in the world.***
### **Education Changes The World**
Equity and Inequality are problems caused by the huge gap between those who have money and those who try to simply survive on a daily base is getting wider and wider and only education will change the world to “[make it better place, for you and for me and the entire human race. There are people dying. If you care enough for the living make it a better place for you and for me.“](https://youtu.be/BWf-eARnf6U "Heal the World") (Lyrics from Michael Jackson’s Heal the World)
Watch, Listen, Get Inspired by this very good Maria Montessori [documentary by BBC](https://youtu.be/TXqeTYHn0p4 "Montessori Documentary by BBC") and some more [inspiring insights](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-35253290 "Montessori Insights by BBC") to start with. Please [Join Our Efforts](https://mariamontessori.xyz/membership/)!